WriterCon Magazine
Baking a Book with Aimee Runyan

Baking a Book with Aimee Runyan

Bestselling authors William Bernhardt and Lara Bernhardt discuss the latest news from the book world, offer writing tips, and interview Aimee Runyan, author of the new historical novel A BAKERY IN PARIS (August 1, 2023; William Morrow). She has previously enthralled readers with many other historical novels, including last year’s THE SCHOOL FOR GERMAN BRIDES (2022; William Morrow). She has been honored as a Historical Novel Society Editors’ Choice selection, and as a three-time finalist for the Colorado Book Awards. She is also a passionate amateur baker.

Chapter 1: Introduction
WriterCon is Coming! And It Is Not Too Late to Register

Chapter 2: News
1) Draft2Digital Acquires SeflPubBookCovers.com
2) New York Times Profiles Journey From Heroin Addict to Author & Agent

Chapter 3: Interview with Aimee Runayn
During this talk, Runyan discusses:
1) writing for women;
2) resesarching historical settings;
3) writing dual timelines;
4) creating memorable characters; and
5) how she uses baking in a book.

Chapter 4: Parting Words
Lara Bernhardt's most recent novel Red Rain is available everywhere:

Join us at WriterCon in OKC Sept 1-4, 2023! We have dozens of bestselling authors, a terrific roster of agents and publishers and much more. Contests, manuscript reviews, private consultations—you can even get a great author photo—for free! At WriterCon, we do it all.

Until next time, keep writing, and remember: You cannot fail, if you refuse to quit.

William Bernhardt

WriterCon Magazine
Bestselling authors William Bernhardt and Rene Gutteridge discuss the latest news from publishing, offer writing tips, and interview major authors, agents, editors, and other book-world pros.